Creating a bridge between the deaf community and service providers.
If you are qualified, professional, courteous sign language interpreters who wish to generate additional income easily - join the revolution in making sign language accessible to the deaf community.

We understand you.
We are aware of the daily difficulties that you currently experience. The never-ending bureaucracy, the difficulty of traveling long distances to receive a short interpretation, not receiving payment according to obligations, canceling interpretations at the last minute, not being recognized as an official position in the State of Israel, and more.
We are putting an end to this and moving into the 21st century.
The service envelope
you need.
We centralize all services for you in one place.
Receiving payment on time, directly to the bank account

Remote interpretation

Receiving metrics on working hours

Minimum bureaucracy

How it works.
Receiving payment

Interpretation is being performed

Confirmation of availability and ability to interpret

Receiving an invitation to hold a conversation
Our requirements.

Certified Sign Language Interpreter -
Full command of Israeli sign language

Familiarity with the background and culture of the different deaf communities

knowledge of the relevant language: Russian/Arabic (fluent Hebrew) in the case of interpretations into other languages

Maintaining the code of ethics and client confidentiality

Top tier human relations

Responsibility and passion for the position

Work from home - emphasis on a suitable background and proper internet basic technological understanding

Knowledge in using Google Calendar and using video