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Sign Now Ltd,Terms of Use

1.1. These Terms of Use, as may be amended and/or updated from time to time are the
legal agreement between, the User (hereinafter, "User", "you" or "your"), and Sign
Now Ltd. (hereinafter "Sign Now", "we" or "us").
1.2. The Terms of Use shall apply to (i) your use of our website at:
(hereinafter "Website") which offer basic information about us and, (ii) for your use
of our Services.
1.3. When you access our Services (for personal use or on behalf of a third party) - you
will need to positively indicate that you agree to these Terms of Use. By doing so, you
hereby confirm that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms
of Use in their entirety, and you acknowledge that these Terms of Use constitute a
binding and enforceable legal contract between Sign Now and you. If you do not agree
to these Terms of Use in their entirety, you cannot Use the Website or the Services,
and you are required to refrain from doing so.
1.4. Furthermore, by accepting these Terms of Use, you hereby waive any rights or
requirements under any applicable laws or regulations in any jurisdiction which
require an original (non-electronic) signature or delivery or retention of non-electronic
records, to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.
1.5. Please read carefully these Terms of Use and make sure that you agree to be bound by
its terms. If you have further questions or concerns regarding the Terms of Use, please
contact us at:

2.1. "Services" shall mean the creation of a Session, in order to enable a Consumer to
communicate with certain stores, shops or other place(s) of business, service
provider(s) and/or competent state and/or municipal authority(ies) (collectively the
"Service Provider(s)"), for any purpose, by using an Interpreter as an intermediate
between the Consumer to such Service Provider(s).
2.2. "Consumer" shall mean an individual person who has a hearing disability and Uses
the Services.
2.3. "Interpreter" shall mean a professional individual who provides sign-language
interpretation service.
2.4. "Session" shall mean a triple communication between the Consumer, Interpreter and
the Service Provider(s) as part of the Services.
2.5. “Privacy Policy” shall mean Sign Now’s Privacy Policy as may be amended from
time to time, which can be accessed at:

3.1. To Use the Website and the Services, you must (i) be at least 18 years of age; (ii)
possess the legal right and ability to enter into a legally binding agreement with us;
and (iii) agree and warrant to use the Website and the Services in accordance with
these Terms of Use. We reserve the right to request proof of age at any stage so that
we can verify that minors under this age are not using the Website or the Services.

3.2. In general, the User declares that he/she is aware of the risks associated with browsing
websites and using online services such as the Services and accepts such risks. In
particular, the User acknowledges that the information that passes through or is stored
there may be intercepted or altered independently of the will of Sign Now.
3.3. As such, it is strongly recommended that the User take all necessary precautions to
protect himself/herself again the effects of hacking, in particular by adopting a secure
and appropriate computer configuration of his/her computer, cell phone or any other
3.4. Your Responsibility
3.4.1. You are responsible for any activity that occurs through the Use of the Website
or the Services and you agree that you will not use the Website or the Services
for anyone other than for yourself.
3.4.2. You are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws, regulations and
other instructions and guidelines which are related to your use of the Website or
the Services.
3.5. Your representations. By Using the Website and the Services, you hereby warrant and
represent as follows:
3.5.1. You are aware that the Sessions may not be recorded or documented by Sign Now
and therefore cannot be traced back or otherwise accessed throw Sign Now. You
waive any and all claims against Sign Now and anyone on Sign Now's behalf,
including the Service Providers, in connection therewith.
3.5.2. You are aware that you are not obligated by law to use the Website or the
Services, and any provision of it is based on your free will.
3.5.3. You own or has the necessary rights and permissions to use and access the
3.5.4. You are aware that any data and or information provided by you while using the
Website and the Services and/or otherwise processed by us due to your se of the
Website and the Services will be used by us and/or by third party service
providers which are working on our behalf, all - for the purposes set forth in our
Privacy Policy.

4.1. Failure to comply with any of the provisions set forth herein may result (at Sign Now’s
sole discretion) in the termination of your use of the Website and/or the Services and
may also expose you to civil and/or criminal liability:
4.1.1. Use the Website and/or Services for any illegal, immoral, unlawful and/or
unauthorized purposes or commercial purposes;
4.1.2. Remove or disassociate any content from the Website and/or the Services or any
other restrictions and signs indicating proprietary rights of Sign Now or its
licensors, including but not limited to any proprietary notices contained in such
4.1.3. Interfere with or violate third parties’ rights to privacy and other rights, or harvest
or collect personally identifiable information about third parties or use other
manual or automatic device, process or method to access the Website and/or the
Services and retrieve, index and/or data-mine information;

4.1.4. Interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Website and/or Services or the
servers or networks that host the Website and/or Services, or disobey any laws,
regulations, requirements, procedures, or policies of such servers or networks;
4.1.5. Falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity,
or express or imply that Sign Now endorses you, your site, your business or any
statement you make, or present false or inaccurate information about the Website
or the Services;
4.1.6. Copy, distribute, display, execute publicly, make available to the public, reduce
to human readable form, decompile, disassemble, adapt, sublicense, make any
commercial use, sell, rent, transfer, lend, process, compile, reverse engineer,
combine with other software, translate, modify or create derivative works of any
part of the Website or the Services;
4.1.7. Sell, license, or exploit for any commercial purposes any use of or access to the
Website and/or Services;
4.1.8. Transmit or otherwise make available in connection with the Website and/or
Services any virus, worm, Trojan Horse, time bomb, web bug, spyware, or any
other computer code, file, or program that may or is intended to damage or hijack
the operation of any hardware, software, or telecommunications equipment, or
any other actually or potentially harmful, disruptive, or invasive code or
4.1.9. Use the Website and/or Services for any purpose for which the Website and/or
Services are not intended or infringe and/or violate any of the Terms of Use.

5.1. Sign Now hereby grants to Users who wish to use the Services a worldwide, personal,
nonexclusive, non-commercial, non-sublicensable, non-assignable and fully revocable
limited license to use the Services, solely for the limited purpose of User’s internal
use, and for no other purpose, strictly in accordance with these Terms of Use and
applicable law.
5.2. The Website and the Services, and all the element incorporated in the Website and the
Services that are made available to Users, are Sign Now’s proprietary assets and any
and all intellectual property rights pertaining thereto, including (but not limited to),
inventions, patents and patent applications, trademarks, logos, designs, trade names,
service marks, copyrightable materials, domain names and trade secrets, whether or
not registered or capable of being registered (collectively, “Intellectual Property”),
are owned by and/or licensed to Sign Now and are protected by applicable patent,
copyright and other intellectual property laws and international conventions and
treaties. All rights not expressly granted to you hereunder are reserved by Sign Now.
These Terms of Use do not convey to you an interest in or to Sign Now’s Intellectual
Property but only a limited revocable right of use in accordance with the Terms of
Use. Nothing in the Terms of Use constitutes a waiver of Sign Now’s Intellectual
Property under any law.
5.3. Except as expressly set forth herein, nothing in these Terms of Use shall be construed
as transferring any rights, title or interests in your Personal Data to Sign Now or to any
third party.

6.1. In the Website, certain links provided permit Users to leave our Website and enter
non-Sign Now sites through which the Services may be accessed. Those linked sites
and services (other than the Services) are provided solely as a convenience to you.
These linked sites and services are not under the control of Sign Now and Sign Now
is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or services, and does not
endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content including but not limited to
content advertising, products or other information on or available from such linked
sites and services or any link contained in linked sites or service.
6.2. In addition, Sign Now is not responsible or liable for such linked sites and services’
privacy practices and/or any other practices. Your access to, use of and reliance upon
any such sites, services and content and your dealings with such third parties are at
your sole risk and expense. Sign Now reserves the right to terminate any link at any
time. You further acknowledge and agree that Sign Now shall not be responsible or
liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused, by
or in connection with use of or reliance on any services, content, products or other
materials available on or through such linked sites or resource.

7. AVAILABILITY. The Website and the Services availability and functionality depend on
various factors, such as communication networks. Sign Now does not warrant or guarantee
that the Website or Services will operate and/or be available at all times without disruption
or interruption, or that it will be immune from unauthorized access or error-free.

8.1. Sign Now reserves the right to alter, rectify, amend, enhance, improve, make any other
adjustments to, or cease, either temporarily or permanently, the Website and Services
without prior notice, at its sole and absolute discretion.
8.2. By using the Website and Services, you agree that Sign Now shall not be held liable
to you or any third party for any modifications, suspensions, or discontinuations of the
Website and/or Services. Furthermore, you explicitly agree that Sign Now is not
responsible for any errors or malfunctions that may arise in connection with the
implementation of such changes.

9.1. The Website and the Services are provided "as is" and on an "as available"; basis with
all faults, defects and errors, and without any warranty of any kind. Sign Now
specifically disclaims all warranties, whether expressed or implied, arising by law or
otherwise, regarding the Website, the Services and their performance, their suitability
for your intended use, including without limitation any implied warranty of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, that the use of the
Website or the Services will be uninterrupted, that all vulnerabilities and defects will
be detected or corrected.
9.2. Sign Now and the Service Provider shall not be responsible under any circumstances
or by any law for the translation services rendered by the Interpreter in including their
accuracy and quality. User hereby waives and releases Sign Now and the Service
Provider from and against any and all claim for any mistake, loss or damages of any

kind caused by the Interpreter to You or any third party on your behalf (including

10.1. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will Sign Now
(including its service providers) be liable for:
10.1.1. Any indirect, consequential, incidental, special, exemplary, or punitive
damages, or liabilities whatsoever arising from, or relating to the Website or the
Services (including, without limitation, due to your use or inability to use the
Services and/or the results of using the Services) and/or these Terms of Use,
whether based on contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or other
theory, even if Sign Now has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
10.1.2. Any claim of any nature whatsoever regarding service rendered to you the
Service Provider or by any third party, while using our Service and/or our
10.2. If you are dissatisfied with the Services or any content thereon, your sole and exclusive
remedy is to discontinue using the Services.
10.3. Without derogating from any of the foregoing, the total aggregate liability of Sign
Now together with anyone on our behalf under these Terms of Use, if any (including
our Service Providers), in connection with the Services or any use of the Website will
not exceed USD 1,000 (one thousand dollars).

11.1. You release, and agree to indemnify, defend and hold Sign Now, including its officers,
directors, employees, shareholders, agents and, harmless from all liabilities, claims,
loss and damages (of every kind, whether known or unknown and suspected or
unsuspected), and including reasonable attorney's fees related in any way to your use
of the Website or the Services not in accordance to the Terms of Use.
11.2. Furthermore, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Sign Now, including its
representatives, harmless from any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses,
liabilities, costs, debts, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees)
arising from: (i) your use, misuse, or inability to use the Website, Services, and your
activities in connection with them; (ii) your infringement upon any third-party rights,
including intellectual property rights or privacy rights, such as a third-party claim, suit,
or proceeding asserting that the use of Personal Information (as defined in our Privacy
Policy) within the scope of these Terms of Use violates the privacy rights of a third
party; and (iii) any type of damage, whether direct, indirect, special, or consequential,
that you may cause to any third party in relation to the Website and/or Services. This
defense and indemnification obligation will continue to be in effect even after these
Terms of Use have terminated.
11.3. Notwithstanding the above, we reserve the right to assume the exclusive defense and
control of any matter subject to indemnification by you. However, this assumption of
control does not exempt you from your indemnity obligations, and in such cases, you
agree to fully cooperate with us in asserting any available defense. Additionally, you
agree not to settle any matter subject to indemnification by you without obtaining our
prior express written approval.

12.1. Sign Now may terminate these Terms of Use at any time for any reason, or for no
reason immediately upon notice. In the event of the termination of these Terms of Use
for any reason:
12.1.1. The license granted to you to Use the Website and/or the Services under these
Terms of Use will terminate immediately;
12.1.2. You must immediately upon receiving any notice of termination cease all use
of the Website and/or the Services and destroy or erase all copies of the Website
in your possession or control.

13.1. You may not assign these Terms of Use, or any of your rights under these Terms of
Use without the prior written consent of Sign Now, and any attempted assignment
without such consent shall be void.
13.2. Sign Now may assign these Terms of Use, or any of its rights under these Terms of
Use to any third party, freely and without any restrictions.

14. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION. Unless restricted by applicable law, these
Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of Israel and any matter, or dispute arising in
connection with them or in connection with the Website shall be subject to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the competent courts of Tel Aviv, Israel.

15. SEVERABILITY. If any term of these Terms of Use is found to be unenforceable, or
contrary to law, it will be modified to the least extent necessary to make it enforceable, and
the remaining portions of these Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect.

16. NO WAIVER. No waiver of any right under the Terms of Use will be deemed effective
unless contained in writing signed by Sign Now, and no waiver of any past or present right
arising from any breach, or failure to perform will be deemed to be a waiver of any future
rights arising out of these Terms of Use.

17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between
you and Sign Now with respect to the Use of the Website, and supersedes all prior
agreements, proposals, negotiations, representations or communications relating to the
subject matter. However, these Terms of Use do not derogate from any other agreement
between you and Sign Now. Any update of these Terms of Use shall bind commencing on
its publication.

18. PRIVACY POLICY. In the course of your use of the Website or the Services, we may
collect and/or otherwise receive personal data from or about you. We respect your privacy
and are committed to protect the information you share with us, details about the personal
data we collect, process, generate and/or otherwise receive from or about you, and the way
we use it is governed by our Privacy Policy, as may be amended from time to time. If you
intend to access or use the Website and/or Services, you must first read and agree to the
Privacy Policy.


Last Updated: February , 2024

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